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Dynamics 365 Marketing

Duration: 3 days


This instructor-led course provides a key step for Administrators and Marketing power users who are beginning or advancing their knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing. With the evolution of the Dynamics 365 product, this course will focus on the core out-of-the-box Marketing business application capabilities while driving understanding surrounding the competencies needed for attendees to have big impacts on their organization. This fast-paced course covers the latest and greatest in Microsoft new feature releases to ensure that attendees are empowered to leverage the full capabilities of their organization’s Dynamics 365 Marketing environment.


This course is designed to support Dynamics 365 System Administrators who may be configuring and maintaining a Dynamics 365 Marketing environment, but also Dynamics 365 and Power Automate Power Users, Marketing Professionals, Marketing Stakeholders, or any end users whose main job role will be to work within the application for an organizations Marketing efforts.

Topics Covered
  • Use the Dynamics 365 Marketing navigation to access records, views, dashboards, insights, calendars, and forms
  • Understand the core record types and feature functionality of the app
  • Learn about content management of images and keyword tagging and content blocks as well as importing and exporting data out of Dynamics 365 Marketing
  • Learn how to create digital marketing content through the combination of Marketing Forms, Pages, and Emails
  • Create segmented lists full of contacts to receive your marketing content and campaigns
  • Understand the Lead Lifecycle and the Marketing to Sales Pipeline
  • Build lead scoring models by defining conditions and corresponding actions
  • Learn how to create Customer Journeys for your contacts to move through for individualized marketing experiences
  • Locate and use insights and reporting capabilities for all your marketing initiatives
  • Configure social media posting and management
  • Learn about the multiple types of template options to begin building marketing content faster
  • Understand configuration and administration options in Dynamics 365 Marketing
  • Understand GDPR Policies and how they affect marketing and the GDPR features included within the application
  • Real-Time Journeys, Event Management of In-Person and Webinars, and an introduction to Customer Voice.

Required Prerequisites

Participants are highly advised to be comfortable and confident with the following skills and concepts for a successful learning experience:

  • Navigation
  • Data entry
  • Advanced Find
  • Create custom fields
  • Customized forms and system views

Recommended Prerequisites

Prerequisites are recommendations, and while not required, they are highly advised to ensure a successful learning experience:

  • Understanding of data or relational databases is helpful
  • Exposure to other Microsoft Dynamics 365 business applications is helpful, but not necessary

Related Certifications

The value of a Dynamics 365 University training is in the knowledge acquired, but there’s a professional and career value as well. Demonstrate expertise with achievements through PowerObjects. Learn More