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Upgrading CRM: How to Move from a Data-driven CRM to a Process-driven CRM

Post Author: Joe D365 |

Welcome back for the final installment in our Upgrading CRM blog series! Today we are going to wrap things up with taking a look at how you can move from a data-driven CRM system to a process-driven CRM system. So without further ado, let's dive in!

A common question we often get asked regarding Microsoft Dynamics CRM upgrades is how do you go from CRM 4.0/2011, which are both primarily data driven, to CRM 2013/2015, which are a lot more process-driven.

There are a few options you could choose in order to accomplish the transition. One way is to take a phased approach. This means that during your CRM system upgrade, you continue using the old version of the form and then add in the processes at a later date. With this approach, you don't have to change your entire system all at once, which can expedite the upgrade project especially if you're not sure what processes you want to add into CRM. If you decide to implement the new process flows, you have the ability to make them optional for the end users.

Why is adding processes into your CRM system beneficial?

Implementing processes into your CRM system can help your overall business in many ways. Processes mean that users don't have to remember what the next step or stage is for daily tasks and functions from memory. Statistics show that if people follow a set process for something, there is considerably more compliance and success in that area. Essentially, CRM processes can streamline your business, decrease human errors, and maximize your employees' time, thereby affecting your overall bottom line. It's really a win-win for all involved.

How do I start thinking about implementing processes in CRM?

Upgrading CRM: How to Move from a Data-driven CRM to a Process-driven CRM

Once you have your processes defined and documented, be considerate of which ones make sense to add to CRM. You can always take a phased approach to adding processes in. Aim for the quick wins first that will have the biggest and most beneficial impact. End users typically struggle with change. Remember that having a solid change management plan is important. Training, communication and re-enforcement is critical to ensuring successful utilization of the new CRM features such as process flows.

Thank you for joining us for this blog series! If you missed our two previous installments, you can read them here and here.
Also make sure you check out our webinar, "Upgrading CRM: Powerful New Features to Make Your Work Easier" to learn about all of the great new features that you can take advantage of just by upgrading your CRM system. Hopefully we have convinced you to consider an upgrade or a reimplementation for current Dynamics CRM system. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about upgrading your CRM system. We have a whole team of experts who can guide through the entire process.

Happy CRM'ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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