Looking for PowerObjects? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! We’ve been part of HCL for several years, and we’ve now taken the final step in our acquisition journey: moving our website to the HCL domain. Nothing else is changing – we are still fanatically focused on Microsoft Business Applications!

Why ALM for Power Platform Matters

Fundamentally, Application Lifecycle Management is the integrated system of organizational processes, people and tools used to manage the entire lifecycle of any given application – from planning, development and deployment to governance, ongoing maintenance and eventual deprecation. In many organizations, this is an arduous and time-consuming process – one that is too often neglected or ignored altogether.

The problem is, neglecting or ignoring it can lead to issues related to compliance, accuracy and user experience. That’s true of any application but is especially relevant with those built using Power Platform. For all its nearly unlimited potential, Power Platform application development does also come with inherent risks and challenges that must be carefully mitigated and managed.

Differences between Environments

  • Solutions may fail to import
  • Manual intervention is often required after solution import to:
    • Fix issues like broken lookups in workflows
    • Update environment-specific configurations

Limitations of Solutions

  • Not all components and settings can be added to solutions
  • Inability to add data to a solution that requires it to function properly
  • Not using managed solutions outside development
  • Dependencies on other solutions

Customization Challenges

  • Development environment acts as source control for customizations
  • Customization and development best practices are not always followed
  • Difficult to hotfix production while a development cycle is in progress
Mitigating these risks and conquering such challenges may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With HCLTech and PowerALM in your corner, Power Platform Application Lifecycle Management is a snap!