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for Microsoft Business Applications

Update Rollup #4: " An installation package for the product Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Microsoft Office Outlook cannot be found"

Post Author: Joe D365 |

Last weekend we made Update Rollup #4 available for download for our hosted clients. Shortly after rolling out this update reports began to trickle in from users experiencing an error message which was causing the installation of the Update Rollup to fail. This message was asking users for the location of a very elusive 'client.msi' file. After combing through countless forums and blogs it became very clear that this was a wide-spread issue and one not limited to PowerObjects and our customers. We filed an escalated support ticket with Microsoft in hopes of getting the Update Rollup distributing and installing properly.

After working with Microsoft for the better part of a week we received news from their CRM Support Team that:
1. There are NO plans to release a revised version of Update Rollup #4 that corrects the installation issue.
2. There is NO workaround at the present time and NO workaround will be developed.
3. The issue will be resolved with Update Rollup #5 which is scheduled to be released in early July.

Here is a bit of insight from Mike Brown of the Microsoft CRM Team Blog:

This is the same issue for both the normal and the Auto Update scenario[client.msi]. In UR4, the CRM Sustained Engineering Team made a performance fix that required adding a few additional files. Because the new files were added to the package the Windows Installer thinks it needs to install them regardless on if they need to be or not. The most common scenario for this happening is when trying to update the desktop client. The issue is resolved in our upcoming UR5 release.

We will keep an eye on this developing situation should any new information surface but at this time it does not look like there will be any client side updates until after the 4th of July. Rest assured we will provide news when Update Rollup #5 becomes available!

We appreciate everyone's patience with this issue!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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